CLE Signature Series PLdM first debuted in 2014, marking the most premium blend in the CLE portfolio. The cigar's acronymic title represents Primera Liga de Miami, translating to mean First Miami Blend.
The concept is simple, yet powerful in its execution. With CLE Signature Series PLdM, company owner, Christian Eiroa, moved production from Honduras (where the majority of CLE cigars are rolled) to Miami. In doing so, he has hand-selected the same rollers responsible for crafting his personal cigars.
Apart from the cigars' top-level craftsmanship, the blend is said to have been individually selected, incorporating only the most flawless tobacco available. And while Eiroa kept the recipe top secret, we can divulge the cigar's smoking profile: full in flavor, full in body, and medium in strength. The experience is indeed complex, offering nuances of fresh-cut cedar, espresso, zesty pepper, cinnamon-doused oatmeal cookies, and a heavy cream in the background. Make no mistake, Christian Eiroa brings his A game when showcasing his signature smoking experience.