The C.L.E. Cigar Company is owned and operated by Christian Luis Eiroa, who has partnered with his family to introduce some of the most successful brands in the modern cigar industry; these brands include CLE Cigars, EIROA Cigars, Asylum Cigars, and more.
Julio Eiroa, Christian’s father, worked his way up the ranks in the tobacco industry, eventually purchasing Camacho Cigars and subsequently introducing the Authentic Corojo leaf that the brand became known for. Camacho was sold to the Oettinger Davidoff Group in 2008, with Christian remaining at the company until 2011, when he left the brand with plans to establish his own operation. This goal was finally realized a year later with the introduction of C.L.E. Cigar Company.
The first cigar produced by the C.L.E. Cigar Company was self-titled, allowing Christian to showcase his creativity with a collection of solid, everyday smokes that packed a punch of authentic flavor. CLE Cigars offers a range of flavors and strength preferences, making them an ideal choice for cigar enthusiasts of all varieties. C.L.E Cigars has produced many popular cigar series including the CLE Prieto, the CLE Corojo, the CLE Chele, be CLE Habano, the CLE Azabache, and many more. Check out our inventory of great CLE cigars and choose your favorite!