The C.L.E. Azabache was originally introduced in 2016 as an exclusive offering, intended to be sold solely by TAA-authorized retailers across the country. But the cigars proved to be so popular among maduro cigar fanatics that C.L.E. was all but forced to add the blend to its regular rotation!
Azabache is named for a jet black gem (or coal)—often used throughout Latin America (or in C.L.E.'s case, Honduras) as a good-luck charm. Inspired by the glistening black beauty of the Azabache, C.L.E. owner, Christian Eiroa, sought to showcase a cigar with comparable wrapper characteristics.
Long-filler tobaccos have been harvested from Honduras, Peru, and Nicaragua; this diverse blend is then bound in a Honduran leaf and finalized in the cigar's especially oily Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper. Smokers can expect a dark flavor profile delivered through an overall medium-plus body; flavors include notes of raw cocoa, earth, chicory, black pepper, molasses, espresso, and hearty leather.