Every year cigar journalists, experts, and enthusiasts gather to create their top cigars of the year list. Cigar publications like Cigar Aficionado, Cigar Dojo, Halfwheel, Cigar-Coop are among some of the most sought after lists year in and year out. Each has their own method of how they rank these cigars and what standards they must meet. Here at Payless Cigars and Pipes we are proud to offer a wide selection of Cigars of the Year, year in and year out! Check out the 2020 Cigars of the Year, the 2019 Cigars of the Year, and 2018 Cigars of the Year that we carry!
Q: How do companies decide their cigar of the year?
A: Some companies like Cigar Dojo only consider newly released, non-limited-edition cigars in their ranking. Meaning the Premium Cigars that they pick are truly what they deem to be the (New) Cigar of the Year.
Q: Are the Cigars of the Year rare?
A: Yes and no. While these cigars are usually not produced on a limited production basis, getting ranked in one of these esteemed lists greatly increases demand, making them harder to obtain! Payless is happy to offer Cigars of the Year from years past as well so you can make sure to try as many of these premium cigars as possible!
Q: What is the Cigar of the Year?
A: There are multiple cigars dubbed the Cigar of the Year each year by different companies! Check out our collection of the 2020 Cigars of the Year, 2019 Cigars of the Year, and 2018 Cigars of the Year!