The Zino Nicaragua cigar represents a bold new chapter for the Zino brand, combining its rich heritage with a modern approach that resonates with today’s cigar enthusiasts. Inspired by the adventurous spirit of Zino Davidoff himself, this relaunch of the Zino brand captures the essence of exploration and a love for new experiences. Crafted with precision at the Diadema Cigars de Honduras factory, the Zino Nicaragua cigar upholds the brand’s legacy of quality and innovation.
This blend features a darker-than-usual Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, paired with a Nicaraguan Semilla 56 seco binder that adds depth to the cigar’s character. The filler is a well-balanced mix of Honduran viso from Olancho and Jamastran, Nicaraguan viso from Ometepe, and two Dominican San Vicente secos. This blend offers a refined smoking experience that skillfully balances medium-bodied strength with subtle complexity.
What does the Zino Nicaragua cigar taste like?
From the first draw, the Zino Nicaragua cigar presents a medium-bodied profile with earthy flavors, complemented by nuanced spices and a touch of sweetness. Initial notes of wood and leather provide a robust start, evolving into a more intricate mix of pepper, nuts, and a hint of cocoa. As the cigar develops, a gentle sweetness emerges, offering a smooth and refined finish that lingers on the palate. This cigar appeals to both seasoned smokers and newcomers, offering a balanced and enjoyable flavor journey.