An American original since 1972, the Scandinavian Tobacco Group has been producing these little Winchester Cigars since 1972. They are machine-made cigars that feature traditional tobacco flavors. Unlike other small-sized cigars, Winchester Little Cigars cater to a crowd that is looking for a luxurious smoke without the sweet, fruity impact of flavored tobacco. This little cigar has the aromas and tastes of traditional unflavored tobacco.
Winchester Cigars are very special machine-made cigars. The smooth texture is released by the unique shape and style of each folded section allowing the cigar tip to lay flat in your mouth. The natural tobacco flavors provide an extremely mild smoke that can be enjoyed by all levels of smokers. Whether you're looking for a cigar to enjoy while sitting out on the porch, or want something to take with you on your travels, Winchester Cigars are a great option.
Looking for a little secret that is sure to surprise your friends? Winchester's little cigars are the classic 20-ring gauge cigars for your short break - Check out our selection of Winchester Little Cigars today!
Please Note: Due to new shipping restrictions from UPS, all filtered and small cigars must be shipped via US Postal Service.