The West Tampa Tobacco White cigar was one of the inaugural releases from the Tampa-based West Tampa Tobacco Company, launched with much excitement in 2022. This enthusiasm stemmed from the company's founder, Rick Rodriguez, marking his first solo venture after more than a decade managing CAO.
The brand began with the West Tampa White and West Tampa Black cigars, taking a unique approach by using Habano wrappers for both blends. The White was tailored for the European palate, offering a more mild and balanced profile, while the Black targeted the American palate with a fuller, punchier character. Now firmly established in the craft cigar space, West Tampa Tobacco Co. has expanded their collection to include the highly sought-after lancero size across their portfolio.
What does the West Tampa Tobacco White Lancero cigar taste like?
Measuring a sleek 7" x 40, the West Tampa Tobacco White Lancero cigar is crafted for the discerning aficionado. The slender ring gauge accentuates the flavors of the wrapper, an elegant Ecuadorian Habano leaf, which encases a blend of Nicaraguan binder from the Ometepe region and filler tobaccos from Condega and Estelí. In this lancero format, the cigar is medium in body, offering a refined and smooth smoking experience. Hobbyists can expect initial notes of creamy cedar and light pepper, gradually developing into hints of almond, natural sweetness, and gentle spices, delivering a balanced and nuanced profile perfect for any time of day.