The West Tampa Red Lancero cigar is a sophisticated addition to the expanding portfolio of West Tampa Tobacco Company. Lanceros, part of the panetela family, are celebrated for their long and thin dimensions, which tend to highlight the wrapper component of the cigar. Although somewhat rare in a market dominated by thicker sizes, the lancero size has a devoted following, leading West Tampa Tobacco Co. to cater to this consumer demand with a full suite of lancero cigars throughout their portfolio.
Measuring 7 inches long by 40 ring gauge, the West Tampa Red Lancero cigar emphasizes the rich and complex flavors of its Mexican wrapper. Rolled in Nicaragua at the Garmendia Cigar factory, each lancero showcases the meticulous craftsmanship and premium quality that West Tampa Tobacco Co. is known for. The introduction of this size allows smokers to truly savor the intricate blend of tobaccos that make up the Red series.
What does the West Tampa Tobacco Red Lancero cigar taste like?
The West Tampa Red Lancero cigar offers a robust and near-full-bodied smoking experience, designed to be the strongest blend in the West Tampa lineup. Featuring a Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper, this cigar delivers rich, complex flavors with a bold profile. Hobbyists can expect notes of dark chocolate, espresso, and earthy undertones, complemented by a subtle sweetness and a touch of spice. The Nicaraguan binder and filler enhance the depth and complexity, ensuring a balanced and concentrated draw throughout the smoke. Perfect for those who appreciate a powerful and flavorful cigar, the West Tampa Red Lancero cigar promises a memorable and indulgent experience.