West Tampa Tobacco Company, helmed by industry veteran Rick Rodriguez, has unveiled a cigar steeped in cultural heritage, the "Boliche Blvd." This new release is more than just a cigar; it's a heartfelt homage to the Cuban culinary legacy that thrives along Tampa's Columbus Drive, affectionately known among locals as "Boliche Boulevard."
Rick Rodriguez, a master blender and co-owner, shares a personal connection with this creation, seeing it as a celebration of Tampa's illustrious cigarmaking history, its vibrant present, and its promising future. To bring this vision to life, Rodriguez joined forces with the renowned Oliva Tobacco Company of Nicaragua, leveraging their legendary tobacco resources to craft a blend that promises to be extraordinary.
What does the West Tampa Boliche Blvd cigar taste like?
The Boliche Blvd cigar by West Tampa Tobacco Co. is set to be a limited treasure, with only 500 boxes produced. Each box contains 50 Gigante-sized cigars (6" X 60), offering an effortless draw and voluminous smoke output. The blend is medium in strength and medium-full in flavor, hitting standout complexities of toasted oak, zesty cabinet spices, baking cocoa, and natural sweetness through the finish.