Villiger Selecto first debuted in 2013 as a means to showcase Villiger Cigars' talents in the premium range of the cigar marketplace. As the name implies, the blend is indeed select, boasting a sophisticated collection of tobaccos throughout Central America. This includes all-Nicaraguan fillers from the country's Estelí, Ometepe, and Condega regions, as well as a Habano binder from Nicaragua's final major growing region: Jalapa. This highly specific core recipe is wrapped in a flawless Talanga (Honduras) Connecticut leaf, being quite the unique specimen among premium cigars.
Villiger Selecto is now offered in both natural (Connecticut) and maduro (San Andrés) varieties. Each blend is roughly medium in body, with the original Connecticut offering nuances of buttered toast, cedar, citrus, and black tea. On the other end of the spectrum, the Villiger Selecto Maduro brings out a bit more body and flavors of earth, mineral, mocha, and brown sugar.