In 2022, Villiger Cigars introduced the Villiger Miami 2022 cigar as a new ultra-premium option within the Villiger lineup. Despite the name, the cigars neither used Florida tobacco nor Miami craftsmanship, instead coming out of the ABAM Cigars factory in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. This seemingly disconnected title stems from the fact that the cigars were based on an original prototype that was formerly only available at Villiger's headquarters in Miami.
Fast forward one year and the limited series has been extended, with Villiger now showing off the Villiger Miami 2023 as the sequel to the original. As with the 2022, the cigars are rolled in the DR; however, the blend has been tweaked in order to showcase an all-new smoking experience for cigar hobbyists. This includes an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and undisclosed binder/fillers (save for a portion of the filler that has been harvested in Peru).
What does the Villiger Miami 2023 cigar taste like?
Limited to only 1,000 boxes of 10 cigars, the Villiger Miami 2023 cigar is crafted for the cigar enthusiast. The blend has been rolled in a single cañonazo size, which sits at the atypical dimensions of 5⅞" x 53. This amounts to a medium intensity, focusing all efforts on bright complexities of clean cedar, Macadamia nut, gentle cabinet spice, and long-lasting buttered toast through the finish.