Villiger Cigars is one of the world’s oldest cigar manufacturers in current production. The company was built by Jean Villiger in 1888, residing in the small town of Pfeffikon, Switzerland, were it stands to this day. And while many of the company’s most premium offerings are crafted in the Dominican Republic, Villiger’s most recognized cigars continue to be produced in Switzerland.
Perhaps most well known is the Villiger Export, which features three box-pressed blends—Classic, Maduro, and Brasil. Each of these blends are machine-made and utilize a compact, yet chunky 4” x 37 size, finished with the brand’s signature tissue paper wrapper. It’s an unmistakable look that sets the Export apart from the pack, known as one of the most refined machine-made cigars money can buy.
Each Export blend utilizes a diverse, five-country filler blend of Brazil, Nicaragua, Dominican, Indonesia, and Italy. The Classic is finished with a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, the Maduro uses a Mexican leaf, and the Brazil is topped with Mata Fina. Expect a short and sweet smoking experience with a surprising level of elegance and sophistication. These minis are medium-bodied and burn for roughly 20 to 25 minutes.