Famously founded in Pfeffikon, Switzerland in 1888, Villiger is a family-owned company that is known for both its cigarillos (primarily in European markets) as well as its more traditional long-filler premium cigars. In the latter category, the Villiger 1888 cigar is among the company's staples, promoting the 1888 founding year with a classic Dominican smoking experience.
But Villiger is now poised to excel in the realm of Nicaraguan cigars, going so far as to construct their own state-of-the-art factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. It is only fitting that the first major line addition to come out of the factory would be the Villiger 1888 Nicaragua cigar, a proper Nicaraguan accompaniment to the famed original Villiger 1888.
What does the Villiger 1888 Nicaragua cigar taste like?
Medium in intensity, the Villiger 1888 Nicaragua cigar is rolled using an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper over a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from Nicaragua and Pennsylvania. This is a diverse recipe that highlights the fiery characteristics of Nicaraguan tobacco that modern cigar enthusiasts crave, while maintaining an air of balance and complexity. The Villiger 1888 Nicaragua cigar begins with touches of cedar and lightly zesty cabinet spices, opening up to include that of spiced nuts and ginger snap cookies.