Originally known for crafting machine-made cigars for the European market, Villiger has begun to branch out into more premium territory in the modern era. This included the introduction of a special release in 2013, with the Villiger 125 cigar (aka Villiger 125th Anniversary) being handcrafted out of Nicaragua in celebration of the company's impressive 125th anniversary.
Honoring such an achievement is no small task, and Villiger embraced the challenge head on. The process began with a partnership with the famed Plasencia family, known as one of the two largest growers of premium tobacco in Nicaragua. With the Plasencias expertise, a special Ecuadorian Habano wrapper was chosen from a vintage 2009 crop. This leaf surrounds a double binder of Nicaraguan tobaccos from the Jalapa region, as well as all-Nicaraguan fillers from the Jalapa and Estelí regions of the country. This special blend was limited to only 500 boxes per size when debuting in 2013, though small batches have crept their way into humidors in the years following.
What does the Villiger 125th cigar taste like?
The Villiger 125th caters to flavor and finesse over head-pounding strength. Expect a medium intensity, leading into a layered profile of black pepper, milk chocolate, lightly zesty cinnamon, and latte-like cream through the finish.