One year after debuting the fan-favorite The Oscar Habano cigar, Oscar Valladares Tobacco & Co. unleashed the cigar's followup: The Oscar Maduro.
Like the original cigar, The Oscar Maduro features the unorthodox packaging style of replacing cellophane sleeves with raw tobacco! Yes, each finished cigar is secured in a thick, green candela exterior leaf, offering both cigar protection and added nuance from the additional leaf's deposited oils. As if this appearance wasn't enough to turn heads in the humidor, The Oscar Maduro has been packaged in substantially sized boxes that are made to resemble cigar molds, straight from the factory!
But it's not all about appearances for The Oscar Maduro. The cigars are rolled at the company's own factory in Honduras, utilizing the same interior blend as the original The Oscar Habano cigar (Honduran binder, Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers), but the wrapper leaf has been swapped from Habano shade to maduro. This new leaf is Mexican San Andrés, allowing the cigar to showcase a familiar smoking experience with a new twist. Expect a medium to medium-plus body, offering sweet and earthy flavors of mocha, black pepper, cedar, raw soil, and toasted/salted nuts.