Perhaps the best-known Mexican cigar brand, Te Amo is known for being the personal project from the Turrent family, who are the most prominent tobacco growers/producers of Mexico.
The cigars were formerly known as Te-Amo (note the removal of the hyphen for the modern era), and were one of the more popular selections throughout the 1970s to '90s. Now, cigar visionary Rafael Nodal has partnered with the Turrents to reimagine Te Amo cigars, showcasing a fresh look and an updated tobacco recipe.
What does the Te Amo cigar taste like?
Like the original, the Te Amo cigar is still crafted in Mexico, making use of Mexican tobacco throughout the blend. This includes a Habano-seed wrapper and Mexican binder/fillers of undisclosed varietal. The end result is a punchy, medium-full experience with a focus on big flavor output. Expect a vibrant character, hitting notes of earth, Cubanesque musk, black pepper, and spicy-sweet gingersnap.