Whether you've noticed it or not, a theme has been emerging under the Tatuaje portfolio for some time. This began with a collection of Broadleaf-wrapped variations of pre-existing Tatuaje cigars, which could be identified by a familiar "Broadleaf Reserva" sub-band. The theme extends to Sumatra as well; simply identify a Tatuaje with the "Capa Especial" sub-band. And now there's Tuxtla, which will mark any given Tatuaje as using a San Andrés wrapper.
Tatuaje Tuxtla (pronounced "Toos-tlah") takes its name from the region of Mexico where the famed San Andrés wrapper leaf is grown. This allows Tatuaje owner, Pete Johnson, more freedom with beloved cigars such as the T110, Tatuaje 7th, and more, where he can showcase the same core recipe with a new Mexican San Andrés wrapper alternate.
What do Tatuaje Tuxtla cigars taste like?
Tatuaje Tuxtla cigars can vary somewhat dramatically, as it is simply a wrapper addition on pre-existing Tatuaje cigars. For example, when applied to the T110 cigar, you will find a medium-full to full-bodied blend with the earthy-sweet characteristics of the San Andrés wrapper. But the Tatuaje 7th is not quite so strong, offering a familiar experience for fans of the 7th but with a new maduro twist. However, each blend will share common themes of earth, pepper, and occasional hot chocolate-like sweetness.