The Tatuaje TAA 2023 cigar is the latest addition to the prestigious Tobacconists’ Association of America (TAA) Exclusive Series program, marking the 12th release Tatuaje has crafted for this elite group since 2011. This limited-edition cigar is a 6⅜" x 54 box-pressed toro, showcasing the brand’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Wrapped in a rich Connecticut Broadleaf maduro leaf, the cigar features a Nicaraguan double binder and fillers, all sourced from the fertile fields of Nicaragua. Produced at the renowned My Father Cigars factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, the Tatuaje TAA 2023 cigar is a prime example of the brand’s dedication to creating exceptional, full-flavored cigars.
The TAA is a membership group comprising about 80 top-tier retailers throughout the US. This includes the creation of exclusive cigars made specifically for TAA retailers, offering a rare and premium smoking experience for discerning enthusiasts. With production limited to just 2,500 boxes of 20 cigars, the Tatuaje TAA 2023 cigar is a must-have for collectors and aficionados alike.
What does the Tatuaje TAA 2023 cigar taste like?
The Tatuaje TAA 2023 cigar offers a medium to full-bodied smoking experience, characterized by a rich and complex flavor profile. The Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper imparts deep, earthy notes with hints of cocoa and espresso, while the Nicaraguan double binder and fillers add layers of spice, cedar, and a subtle sweetness. The cigar’s construction ensures a smooth draw and even burn, making it a luxurious and satisfying smoke from start to finish. This limited-edition release is perfect for those who appreciate the craftsmanship and exclusivity that Tatuaje consistently delivers in its TAA series.