Tatiana Mocha is an OG in the realm of flavored cigars, a highly popular brand among cigar enthusiasts with a sweet tooth. These cigars are manufactured by Tatiana Cigars, a time-tested brand known for its high quality and exotic flavor profiles. Tatiana Mocha cigars are hand-rolled in the DR using a premium blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Mexican tobaccos that are infused with the rich and creamy flavor of chocolate mocha. The result is a smooth and flavorful smoking experience that appeals to both casual smokers and experienced aficionados.
What does the Tatiana Mocha Eden cigar taste like?
Tatiana Mocha Eden cigars are rolled in a 5" x 38 petit corona format. They are wrapped in a dark, oily Sumatran wrapper that compliments the mocha experience to perfection. The flavor profile of these cigars is well-balanced, with notes of coffee, chocolate, and a hint of sweetness that lingers on the lips and palate. Whether you are looking for a dessert cigar or a mid-day treat, the Tatiana Mocha Eden cigar is sure to satisfy your cravings.