Tatiana Mocha is a premium cigar line that is highly popular among flavored cigar enthusiasts. These cigars are made by Tatiana Cigars, a company known for offering unique and exotic flavor experiences in conjunction with premium tobacco recipes. The Tatiana Mocha Caramely cigars are hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic with a blend of aged tobacco leaves that are infused with rich and creamy flavors of luxury chocolate, coffee, and caramel. The result is a smooth and flavorful smoking experience that appeals to both casual smokers and those looking for a fun change of pace.
What does the Tatiana Mocha Caramely cigar taste like?
The Tatiana Mocha Caramely cigar is rolled in an attractive 6" x 43 lonsdale format. This blend is wrapped in a dark, oily Sumatran wrapper, which is secured over Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Mexican tobaccos within the binder/filler. The flavor profile of these cigars is well balanced, with notes of coffee, chocolate, and caramel that blend together perfectly. The sweetness of the caramel is not overwhelming, making it a perfect choice for those who prefer a subtle hint of sweetness in their cigars. Overall, the Tatiana Mocha Caramely cigar is a great choice for a delicious and enjoyable smoking experience.