The Tatiana Delights cigar is a sophisticated expansion of Miami Cigar & Co.’s renowned Tatiana brand, which focuses on more traditional cigar sizes. Crafted by La Aurora in the Dominican Republic, this new line features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper over a Dominican Corojo binder and a blend of Dominican Corojo and Criollo '98 fillers. Known for its flavored cigars, Tatiana introduces Delights with only a sweetened tip, providing a subtle touch of sweetness without additional flavoring.
Tatiana Delights cigars offer an elevated smoking experience for traditional cigar enthusiasts. This new line maintains the high-quality standards of the Tatiana brand while catering to those who prefer classic cigar sizes. The combination of an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and Dominican tobaccos ensures a smooth and balanced smoke, making it a delightful addition to any aficionado’s collection.
What does the Tatiana Delights cigar taste like?
The Tatiana Delights cigar delivers a mild to medium-bodied smoking experience with a nuanced flavor profile. The Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper imparts a creamy and smooth texture, while the Dominican Corojo and Criollo 98 fillers add layers of earth, spice, and a hint of nuttiness. The sweetened tip introduces a delicate sweetness that complements the cigar’s natural flavors without overpowering them. This blend provides a balanced and satisfying smoke, perfect for those seeking a premium yet approachable cigar that offers a touch of Tatiana’s signature sweetness.