Miami Cigar & Co. and their flavored Tatiana brand has joined the TAA Exclusive Series, showcasing the limited Tatiana Groovy Blue Belicoso TAA Exclusive cigar.
Known for smaller sizes such as coronas and robustos, the Tatiana Groovy Blue Belicoso TAA Exclusive brings a larger format (6¼" x 52 belicoso) to the line. As with other Tatiana Groovy Blue cigars, the TAA version makes use of an Indonesian wrapper, a Dominican binder, and fillers from the Dominican Republic. This premium-tobacco recipe is then infused with aromatic flavors of berries, cognac, honey and vanilla, making for one of the most popular flavored cigars in the world.
What does the Tatiana Groovy Blue Belicoso TAA Exclusive cigar taste like?
The cigar is known for flavors of berries, cognac, honey and vanilla, which are boosted by a premium blend of diverse tobaccos that center on Dominican leaves. With the new belicoso head and thicker ring gauge, cigar hobbyists are treated to a more voluminous smoke output and a concentrated delivery to the palate. This makes for long smoking times of an hour and 20 minutes, being smooth and thoroughly refreshing from start to finish.