Among the modern wave of flavored and infused cigars, Tatiana Cigars stands as one of the most recognized brands on the market. Tatiana bucks the preconceived idea that flavored cigars are of lower quality; Instead, they provide an impressive lineup of premium cigars that incorporate the high-grade, top-notch tobaccos that you may expect to find in traditional-style cigars.
Tatiana cigars are hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic, using Cuban-seed, Dominican long-filler tobaccos, and Indonesian-grown wrappers. The tobacco is actually aged for two years before going into production and making it to the consumer—an extra step you won’t find on most flavored cigars.
Each of these factors combines to deliver a flavored cigar smoking experience that stands alone in the realm of other competitive flavored cigars. Experience the fun and unique flavor profiles from Tatiana, including options like chocolate, cinnamon, honey, vanilla, cappuccino, and many more—the perfect change of pace for new and experienced cigar smokers alike!