In the same manner that Drew Estate turned the premium cigar world on its collective head with ACID Cigars, they have done the same with Tabak Especial, a finely executed union of coffee and premium tobacco. Tabak Especial traces its roots back to the early 2000s, where Drew Estate and KahlĂșa offered a groundbreaking coffee infusion known as Kahlua Cigars Delicioso. When KahlĂșa pivoted away from the brand in 2008 after a change of ownership, Drew Estate re-tooled the brand and introduced the Tabak Especial name that coffee and cigar enthusiasts know and love today.
Tabak Especial arrives in two varieties: Tabak Especial Dulce (Connecticut) and Tabak Especial Negra (maduro). Each cigar boasts a similar core recipe of premium Nicaraguan tobaccos expertly infused with Nicaraguan estate-grown coffee. The cigars are then finished with Connecticut Shade or maduro wrapper styles, offering two distinct flavor profiles. Tabak Especial Dulce is mild to medium in intensity and can be thought of as the creamy cappuccino in the lineup, offering a silky smooth texture and creamy coffee flavors throughout. The Tabak Especial Negra operates on the other end of the spectrum, bringing a medium body and flavors of mocha, espresso, earth, raw sugarcane, and touches of cinnamon.
Arguably the best pairing in the world of premium flavor indulgences (coffee and cigars), Drew Estate showcases the combo like none other!