Sancho Panza, like many of the most well-known cigar brands, began its life as a Cuban offering. The name was registered by Don Emilio Ohmsted in 1848, being named for Don Quixote's squire in Miguel de Cervantes' famed Don Quixote novel. It wasn't until the 1980s that the name was produced outside of Cuba for the U.S. market, being crafted in Honduras alongside the likes of Punch and Hoyo de Monterrey cigars.
Within the Sancho Panza collection lies the fan-favorite Sancho Panza Double Maduro cigar, a blend that many regard as helping to kick off the modern style of full-bodied cigars. This cigar is among the first to receive the creative touch of Matt Booth, creator and visionary behind the beloved Room101 Cigars brand. Booth's overhaul of Sancho Panza includes a bold new look that is contemporary with retro undertones. The blend has been tweaked as well, using a sun-grown Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, a Nicaraguan Estelí binder, and Dominican and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos chosen from a range of growing regions and primings.
What does the Sancho Panza Double Maduro cigar taste like?
Sancho Panza Double Maduro may have once been considered a full-bodied cigar, but by today's standards, it comes across as medium-plus. As the name implies, the Sancho Panza Double Maduro cigar caters to maduro-centric flavors, including standouts of earth, charred oak, dark chocolate, and bittersweet espresso.