Sancho Panza is a pre-revolution Cuban cigar brand—one that happens to be among the world’s oldest continuously produced marques, dating back to 1848. Similar to other Cuban brands—such as Montecristo—Sancho Panza was named after popular literature among cigar factory workers, as it was common practice for lectores (readers) to entertain cigar rollers with newspapers and novels during their shifts. Don Quixote was among the most popular titles with factory rollers, and Sancho Panza bears the name of the titular character’s witty squire, a farmer named Sancho Panza.
Now, the Sancho Panza brand has been reimagined for the modern era by none other than Matt Booth (of Room101 Cigars fame), offering a bold new appearance over a classic chassis. The updated Sancho Panza consists of three fan favorites: Sancho Panza Original, Sancho Panza Double Maduro, and Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte. Each of these three have received tobacco blend alterations to go along with the new look. For the OG (the Sancho Panza Original cigar), this includes a unique Honduran-grown Connecticut wrapper, secured atop a San Andrés binder and diverse fillers of Nicaragua, the DR, and Brazilian Mata Fina.
What does the Sancho Panza Original cigar taste like?
The Sancho Panza Original cigar is classic and flavorful from start to finish, coating the palate with a creamy texture and lingering with medium-bodied complexities of cedar, buttered toast, barnyard hay, and smooth cappuccino.