Resurrected from the annals of history comes the Gurkha San Miguel cigar. This cigar was once rolled in the Dominican Republic, but has now been transported to Nicaragua; more specifically, the cigars have been entrusted to the talented hands of Aganorsa Leaf and their boutique-minded factory in Estelí.
Aganorsa Leaf is a completely vertically integrated operation, overseeing the cigarmaking process from seed to ash. This includes a massive agricultural operation throughout the country, praised for specializing in authentic, Cuban-seed Corojo '99 and Criollo '98 varietals. These tobaccos are incorporated into the Gurkha San Miguel cigar, including an all-Nicaraguan filler, Nicaraguan double binder, and a select Nicaraguan Shade-Grown Corojo ’99 wrapper.
What does the Gurkha San Miguel cigar taste like?
Classic, balanced, and flavorful. The Gurkha San Miguel cigar caters to flavor over strength, offering a medium-bodied experience loaded with flavors of cedar, toasted bread, zesty cabinet spices, and touches of sweet brown sugar.