At the heart of AJF Cigar Company's portfolio lies the San Lotano collection. The cigars debuted in 2010, being named in honor of the cigars that A.J. Fernández's grandfather produced in San Luis, Cuba, prior to communist takeover of private industry. It only made sense that when Fernández established himself in Nicaragua that he honor the family legacy with a proper San Lotano resurrection.
Enter the San Lotano Habano (aka San Lotano Requiem Habano), an old-school smoke for the modern era. Rather than go the expected route, placing a Nicaraguan Habano over all-Nicaraguan fillers, A.J. sourced tobaccos from three countries, featuring Nicaragua and Honduras in the filler, Nicaragua as the binder, and Brazilian Habano out of left field as the finishing touch. This multinational blend is multidimensional in character, leaping onto the palate with a full body and lively flavors of zesty cabinet spices, dark chocolate, leather, freshly cut cedar, and toasted caramel sweetness.