San Lotano is a special brand for renowned Master Blender A.J. Fernández, being made in honor of the cigars his grandfather crafted in San Luis, Cuba once upon a time. When it came time for Fernández to debut his own brand (now known as AJF Cigar Co.), he revived the San Lotano name, now offering a Nicaraguan influence and being produced in his acclaimed factory in Estelí, Nicaragua.
Within the large array of blends under the San Lotano umbrella, the San Lotano Requiem Connecticut is the most tame. This cigar makes use of a diverse, multinational tobacco recipe, including Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, a Honduran binder, and a bronze-hued Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The latter ingredient gives the cigar its name, with the blend catering to the soft and bitter-sweet nuances Connecticut Shade tobacco is known for. However, this certainly is not your grandfather's Connecticut, as the blend boasts a much fuller character than Connecticuts of old. This includes standout characteristics of toasted bread, white pepper, sweet cedar, barnyard hay, and creamy nougat.