Saint Luis Rey (also known as SLR) is a pre-revolution Cuban cigar brand that is now produced in both Havana and Honduras; the latter featuring more diverse blends for the American market. As with many Cuban marcas, the cigar’s origins are inspired from literature—with SLR paying tribute to The Bridge of San Luis Rey.
Owned and operated by Altadis USA, Saint Luis Rey cigars are produced at the company’s acclaimed La Flor de Copán factory, located in Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras. Using primarily Central American tobaccos, the full portfolio of SLR cigars ranges from medium to full in body. SLR cigars are known for more diverse flavor profiles than their Cuban counterparts, due to a wide range of tobaccos incorporated into the blends; such as Honduran, Nicaraguan, Ecuadorian, Peruvian, Mexican, and American varietals.
On top of the cigar’s famed consistency (known for a perfect draw and dependable flavor), Saint Luis Rey cigars typically offer rich, hearty, and spicy characteristics. The full lineup consists of five unique blends, ranging from the classic profile of the original Saint Luis Rey cigar, to the dark and dessert-like flavors of the SLR Maduro, to the high-intensity performance of SLR Gen2—which incorporates high-priming tobaccos for a nicotine-fueled experience that will figuratively punch your taste buds in the face!
Try Saint Luis Rey and experience why this is one of the best-known cigar names in the world.