Since 2001, Rough Rider Sweets has been occupying the daily humidors of cigar enthusiasts looking for a change of pace without compromising on quality.
Recently, the cigars received a full makeover, taking on a look that the hardened smoker can embrace without hesitation (no one's ever shied away from a skull-branded cigar!). The move comes after the brand was acquired by Jochy Blanco, who took the blend in-house at his famed Tabacalera Palma factory in the Dominican Republic. Here, Blanco gave the Rough Rider Sweets the magic touch, showcasing an unbelievably pleasing smoke, considering the cigar's modest price range.
Rough Rider Sweets incorporates all long-leaf fillers throughout, including Piloto Cubano and Criollo '98 varieties in the filler, a Dominican Cuban-seed binder, and a silky smooth Connecticut wrapper that has been cloud-grown in Ecuador. This fine-tuned recipe is then lightly sweetened at the cigar's cap, just like the famed Connecticuts of the 20th century (i.e. the cigars are not infused or flavored), providing a gentle honey-like sweetness to pair with each smooth-riding puff! Rough Rider Sweets are on the mild side, offering loads of cream, buttered crackers, sweet florals, and a nougat-like finish. Pair this with a creamy cup of coffee in the morning and we have a feeling you'll be hooked!