As one of the world's oldest continuously produced cigar brands, Romeo y Julieta boasts an impressive portfolio of premium cigar blends, with a profile for virtually every palate.
On the non-Cuban side of the brand, this includes the Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduro cigar, which showcases a diverse recipe and a fuller-bodied smoking experience. The cigars are rolled at the famed Tabacalera de García factory in the Dominican Republic, making use of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian leaves throughout the filler; these tobaccos are joined by a Nicaraguan binder and a unique Blackened Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper (which is fermented for longer periods of time, bringing out dark and robust flavors).
What does the Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduro cigar taste like?
Among the most hearty experiences from the traditionally-mild RyJ brand, the Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduro cigar offers a medium body and rich flavors of toasted oak, sweet earth, baker's cocoa, black licorice, and sweet molasses bread—i.e. the maduro cigar lover's paradise!