Few would contest that Romeo y Julieta is among the most recognized cigar brands in the world; beginning in 1875 and continuing onward to this day, distinguishing itself as one of the oldest active cigar brands.
Outside of Cuba, RyJ is now crafted by Altadis USA in their prestigious Dominican and Honduran factories. This is where the RyJ name has excelled, pushing the boundaries with bold and adventurous new profiles for the evolving palates of cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
One such example is the Romeo y Julieta Reserve, a Central American blend that offers the smooth tendencies of the tried-and-true original, balanced by the more fierce characteristics of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos. Indeed, for this blend, the traditionally Dominican brand has moved to Honduras, being rolled at the La Flor de Copán factory. Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos make up the cigar’s filler blend, with a Nicaraguan binder and wrapper as the cigar’s finishing touches. The resulting experience is rich and hearty, offering notes of medium-roast coffee, black pepper spice, worn leather, and cedar.