One of the most iconic cigars in the world now comes in a fiery Nicaraguan variety! Yes, we're speaking of the Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real brand, a red-banded cigar made in the Dominican Republic that near-every smoker in America has come across, at least from time to time.
As with many other Cuban legacy brands such as Montecristo, H. Upmann, and Trinidad, the Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real has been given the modernized Nicaraguan treatment. For this project, Rafael Nodal (of Aging Room Cigars fame) partnered with Master Blender A.J. Fernández, sourcing tobaccos entirely from A.J.'s world-renowned tobacco fields throughout Nicaragua. This makes for a Nicaraguan puro smoking experience that is fuller in body than the Dominican Reserva Real, while maintaining an approachable profile for a wide range of palates. The resulting experience is medium to medium-plus in intensity, bursting at the seams with bright and lively flavor characteristics, including highlights of freshly cut cedar, citrus rind, light cabinet spices, roasted nuts, and hints of sweet caramel.
Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua Churchill achieved No.9 in Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of 2022.