After the successful launch of the Romeo y Julieta Eternal cigar in 2021, the brand returned for more, showcasing the Romeo y Julieta Envy Amulet cigar as an ultra-premium smoking experience. Like the original, the cigars are rolled in Nicaragua and centered around well-aged Nicaraguan tobacco.
Green with envy, the Romeo y Julieta Envy Amulet offers a new green-themed variant of the beloved RyJ design, being rolled in a singular 6" x 55 format and limited to 9,090 boxes of 11 cigars. The RyJ team worked closely with the famed Plasencia family of tobacco growers/manufacturers, carefully aging a range of Nicaraguan tobaccos to be used throughout the wrapper, binder, and filler.
What does the Romeo y Julieta Envy Amulet cigar taste like?
Nicaraguan to the core, the Romeo y Julieta Envy Amulet cigar is hearty yet not in your face. It's a medium-bodied experience, focusing on finesse rather than pounding pepper; this includes enjoyable complexities of earth, roasted nuts, touches of cabinet spices, and long-lasting dried-fruit sweetness through the finish. It's an elevated smoking experience for the seasoned enthusiast.