The Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua Connecticut Bully cigar features a robust flavor profile that is both rich & complex. The cigar offers smokers a classic robusto size. Robusto cigars have become the most popular cigar size in the world because of its relatively short and fat shape that packs a lot of flavor in a shorter smoking time. It comes in a box of 25 hand-rolled cigars.
The distinctive golden and white cigar band highlights the premium natural quality that the Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua Connecticut Bully is renowned for - pure excellence. The smoothy creaminess of its Connecticut wrapper is complemented with a masterful blend of premium Nicaraguan fillers and binders.
Get them while you can! This cigar is currently available at a great discounted price. If you like the best robusto cigars, then this is the best box of cigars for you! Give them a try, and leave us a review below.
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