How do you go about recreating the inherent complexities that Cuban-made Romeo y Julieta cigars are known for? You use a puro tobacco recipe, as all Cuban cigars have been rolled exclusively from a single country's harvest since the dawn of time.
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua employs this strategy, making use of traditional Cuban tobacco-growing and processing techniques and using leaves from a single country: Nicaragua. To accomplish the task, RyJ partnered with the famed Plasencia family, which is one of the two largest growers of premium Nicaraguan tobacco in the world. The Plasencias and the folks at Romeo y Julieta have collaborated, selecting a refined tobacco blend that compliments the original Romeo Y Julieta 1875 cigar nicely, boasting a similar level of complexity but highlighting the zesty nature of Nicaragua. The end result is a medium-plus-bodied performance with standout nuances of cabinet spices, mineral, freshly cut cedar, and sweet caramel.