Rocky Patel The Edge Maduro cigar first debuted in the early 2000s, made as a no-nonsense cigar for the hardened enthusiast. This included stripped-down packaging, directing all efforts toward quality craftsmanship and premium tobacco.
Combined with affordable price points, these attributes make The Edge Maduro cigar a fan-favorite choice for the daily grind—a cigar you could smoke in the garage, while mowing the lawn, bass fishing, golfing... you get the idea. To accomplish this, Rocky Patel has this tasty maduro rolled in Honduras at the El Paraiso factory. Here, a well trained team of torcedores craft each cigar using fiery Nicaraguan ligero throughout the interior recipe and finalize the blend with an oily Costa Rican maduro wrapper.
What does Rocky Patel The Edge Maduro cigar cigar taste like?
This smoke is rolled for the blue collar daily enthusiast, boasting a smooth draw, voluminous smoke output, and dependable flavors of leather, bittersweet espresso, black licorice, and cocoa.