Handcrafted in Estelí, Nicaragua by Drew Estate, Java cigars are among the first and certainly the most renowned coffee-infused premium cigars in the world. The brand launched in 2005 as a collaboration between Drew Estate and Rocky Patel, providing serious clout that has since led to the most recognizable coffee-based infusions on the market.
Java cigars have expanded to include a wide range of smoking profiles, including the Java Latte, Java Maduro, Java Mint, and Java Red. While each of these blends boast premium Nicaraguan tobaccos at their core, the wrappers and infusions differ, allowing for profiles from soft and and creamy (à la generously creamed coffee), to dark and bitter-sweet (mocha, espresso, etc.), and even more exotic flavors along the lines of mint and cherry. However, all Java cigars share the common trait of premium coffee and premium tobacco, two indulgences that are undeniably a flavorful match made in heaven.