What better way to celebrate becoming a parent than passing out cigars? Handing out a custom-banded “It's a boy” or "It's a Girl" cigars from acclaimed cigar manufacturer Rocky Patel Premium Cigars! These beauties are not your dime store cigar, they are premium hand-rolled cigars that are perfectly balanced for both the novice smoker and the refined connoisseur.
Rocky Patel has developed a reputation as one of the top brands in the cigar industry, and is recognized throughout the world for their expertly crafted and flavorful cigars. Rocky knows that the birth of a child is a momentous occasion, and makes sure that these cigars deliver the level of refinement to mark such a life-changing experience.
Whether you are purchasing them as keepsakes or to be enjoyed in the moment, the Rocky Patel “It's a Boy/Girl” cigar will not disappoint.
What does the Rocky Patel It's a Boy/Girl cigar taste like?
The RP It's a Boy/Girl cigar boasts smooth and delightful notes of cedar, cream, and spice—perfectly balanced to please both the novice and the aficionado.