Cuba was once known as "Perla del Mar," translating to mean Pearl of the Sea, as the region was the undisputed champion of premium tobacco quality throughout the world. This led to the inspiration behind the original Perla del Mar cigar, first introduced in the late 1800s as a Cuban smoking experience.
Fast forward to today's premium cigar scene and the cards are no longer stacked in Cuba's favor, with at least four regions throughout the world competing heavily for the highest honors. One such contender is the volcanic-heavy country of Nicaragua, which is now believed to be the largest exporter of premium cigars in the world. Therefore, it only makes sense that the modern rendition of Perla del Mar would be a Nicaraguan creation!
Perla del Mar now comes by way of J.C. Newman Cigar Co., the oldest and largest family-owned cigar manufacturer in America. Bringing the brand back to life, J.C. Newman has selected all-Nicaraguan tobaccos from four distinct regions of Nicaragua: Pueblo Nuevo, La Reina, Condega, and Jalapa. These hearty binder/fillers are finished with a flawless Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper, offering supreme levels of refinement, balance, and complexity. This is a mild-to-medium-bodied smoke, refreshing the palate with nuances of clean cedar, citrus, barnyard hay, buttered nuts, and cream.