Perla del Mar translates to mean Pearl of the Sea, being introduced in the late 19th century as a nod to Cuba's dominance in the world of premium cigars at the time. Flash forward roughly 125 years and the brand has been resurrected by J.C. Newman, the oldest family-run cigar manufacturer in America.
While J.C. Newman manufactures cigars in America, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic, the company utilizes their J.C. Newman PENSA factory in Nicaragua to bring Perla del Mar to life. The cigar consists of two varieties: Perla del Mar Classic and Perla del Mar Maduro. Each version boasts identical core recipes, including Nicaraguan tobaccos from four of the country's regions: Pueblo Nuevo, La Reina, Condega, and Jalapa. Perla del Mar Maduro takes this hearty core and dresses them in a dark and sultry Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, bringing forth a medium-light body and standout flavors of earth, black pepper, charred oak, and sweet molasses bread.