More than 30 years after Nicholas Perdomo Jr. founded Nick's Cigar Co. out of his home in Miami in 1992, his company (now known as Perdomo Cigars) celebrated such an impressive milestone with a trio of cigar blends dubbed Perdomo 30th Anniversary.
To mark the occasion, the Perdomo family showcases the wealth of knowledge and expertise they have gained over the past three decades; this is evidenced by the inclusion of 15-year-aged tobaccos throughout the wrapper, binder, and filler of each cigar. Like most Perdomo cigars, the 30th Anniversary arrives in Connecticut, Sun Grown, and Maduro varieties, each of which feature unique wrapper components that have spent added time in spent bourbon barrels. This is something of a specialty for Perdomo, with the barrels reactivating the leaves for a well-filtered secondary fermentation process.
What does the Perdomo 30th Anniversary Maduro cigar taste like?
The Perdomo 30th Anniversary Maduro cigar features all-Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos throughout the blend, boasting 15 years of aging and barrel fermentation to send the experience over the top. This amounts to a medium-full smoking experience, offering an exceptionally smooth and velvet-like texture, as well as standout flavors of earth, mocha, sweet molasses, and toasted oak.