In the pantheon of anniversary cigars, Perdomo Cigars distinguishes itself with a lineage that speaks to both tradition and innovation. The journey from the Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne to the eagerly awaited 30th Anniversary edition is a testament to the brand's enduring legacy and commitment to excellence. This latest milestone is celebrated with a trio of Nicaraguan-focused blends, each showcasing 15-year-aged tobaccos—a hallmark of Perdomo's dedication to tobacco farming and aging. The meticulous process of barrel fermentation, a signature technique honed over decades, imbues these cigars with a unique complexity and depth, further elevating the smoking experience.
The Perdomo 30th Anniversary Connecticut cigar, in particular, stands out as a blend that marries the boldness of the Perdomo 20th Anniversary with the refined elegance of the Double Aged 12-Year Vintage. The result is a symphony of flavors, from the buttery undertones of nuts and cedar to the bittersweet layers of barnyard hay and toffee, each puff a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship at the heart of Perdomo's cigarmaking tradition. With such a rich tapestry of tastes combined with an accessible price point, the Perdomo 30th Anniversary cigar not only honors the past but also sets a new standard for the future, marking another chapter in the storied history of Perdomo Cigars.
What does the Perdomo 30th Anniversary Connecticut cigar taste like?
With 15-year-aged all-Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the binder and filler being joined by an exceptional 15-year-aged Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that has been finished in spent bourbon barrels... you can bet you're in for a treat with the Perdomo 30th Anniversary Connecticut cigar! The experience is velvet-like in texture, offering a solid construction and dependable flavors of clean cedar, cream, buttered toast, and sweet butterscotch.