PDR Cigars is known for their boutique craftsmanship, producing some of the most highly acclaimed and award-winning cigars to come out of the Dominican Republic in recent times.
PDR is short for Pinar del Río, which is the most famed tobacco growing region in Cuba. Inspired by traditional Cuban techniques, PDR has modeled their factory in Tamboril, Dominican Republic after Cuba’s most famed factories. This includes techniques such as entubado, a skilled rolling style that allows for more tobaccos to be used, producing a more complex profile without compromising on draw.
PDR Cigars is among the only manufacturers offering Dominican puro cigars (blends that use 100% DR tobacco), which are known for rivaling the famed Cuban profiles. Among the most critically acclaimed PDR Cigars is the A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada Capa Habano, which earned Cigar Aficionado’s #10 Cigar of the Year for 2014.
Experienced enthusiasts and newcomers alike will find PDR Cigars approachable and satisfying, with an easily enjoyable flavor output, elevated by a deep complexity that far outshines PDR’s modest price points.