PDR 1878 Capa Natural originally debuted in 2011, marking the fourth unique blend in the company's fan-favorite 1878 series. With every cigar in the 1878 collection being differentiated by their band color, the PDR 1878 Capa Natural is occasionally referred to simply as the "1878 White Label."
Being the most mild offering amongst 1878 cigars, the Capa Natural is constructed primarily from Cuban-seed tobaccos, each of which have been carefully positioned to compliment the cigar's beautiful Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. This interior recipe includes a Dominican Criollo '98 binder and fillers of the Dominican Republic (Criollo '98) and Nicaragua (Criollo '98). Smokers will find a well-balanced experience and a slightly fuller body than the conventional Connecticut offering. Flavors are smooth and mouthwatering, with notes of cabinet spices, freshly cut cedar, wild herbs, and loads of table cream.