The PDR 1878 Capa Madura cigar is one of four core-line blends under PDR Cigars' 1878 Recordando a Santiago Edicíon series. These cigars formed the basis of PDR's rise in popularity, offering an enjoyable depth of flavor at surprisingly affordable price points.
With the PDR 1878 Capa Madura cigar, the company showcases the darkest wrapper of the lineup, using a Mexican San Andrés maduro leaf in conjunction with a Dominican Criollo '98 binder and fillers of Dominican Criollo '98 (seco and ligero primings). The cigars are rolled at PDR's own factory in the DR, allowing for a dependable experience without breaking the bank.
What does the PDR 1878 Capa Madura cigar taste like?
The PDR 1878 Capa Madura cigar is dark yet smooth, flavorful yet not overpowering, showing balanced complexities of campfire, wild florals, toasted nutmeg, and sweet molasses.