Since debuting during the great cigar boom of the 1990s, Onyx cigars have been synonymous with near-black wrappers. This ties into the cigar's name itself, as onyx gemstones are often known for their jet-black appearance.
But while the cigars have long been rolled in the Dominican Republic, cigar smokers had become increasingly hungry for a Nicaraguan variant. Enter the Onyx Bold Nicaragua, an unquestionably bold smoking experience that doesn't lose sight of the brand's famously dark wrapper. Indeed, the Onyx Bold Nicaragua boasts a dark and sinister Mexican San Andrés leaf as the wrapper component. This has been secured over a Nicaraguan binder and fillers of Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. With manufacturing being handled by famed Master Blender A.J. Fernández and his factory in Nicaragua, cigar enthusiasts can be sure the Onyx Bold Nicaragua is of the utmost quality. Expect a full body and hearty flavors of charred oak, black licorice, mineral-heavy earth, clove, and dark chocolate.