Omar Ortez is a Nicaraguan-based tobacco man, producing handmade cigars out of his AgroIndustrial Nicaraguense de Tabacos S.A. factory.
With the Omar Ortez brand, distributed by parent company Altadis USA, Ortez incorporates full vertical integration, controlling every aspect of the cigar making process, from seed to finished cigar. This allows for complete control, enabling Ortez to craft flavorful smoking experiences without overcharging consumers. In addition, Ortez cigars have been stripped of expensive packaging and bands, allowing for more premium tobaccos to be used without raising costs.
There are essentially two cigars in the Omar Ortez portfolio: Omar Ortez Originals and the Omar Ortez Maduro. Both cigars focus on Central American profiles, using primarily Nicaraguan tobaccos to deliver the full and spicy nuances that today's enthusiast craves! And with costs comparable to "factory seconds" and "bundle cigars," don't be surprised if Omar Ortez becomes your new go-to daily smoke.