Just as Cohiba cigars represent Cuban craftsmanship, and Arturo Fuente is intrinsically Dominican, Oliva Cigar Co. is often the first name mentioned when describing the unique attributes of Nicaraguan cigars.
The Oliva family traces its roots in the cigar industry more than 100 years, with Melanio Oliva growing tobacco in Cuba in the late 1800s. Eventually, as with most legendary cigar families, the Olivas emigrated elsewhere, as the Cuban government seized private industry in the early ‘60s. The Olivas did not settle straight away, but eventually established themselves as a producer of Nicaraguan smoking experiences following the great cigar boom of the ‘90s. This was a time when Nicaraguan tobacco began to surge, and Oliva sealed themselves as an exemplar for Nicaraguan tobacco with a new blend titled simply “Oliva Serie V,” launching in 2006.
Oliva Serie V showcases an all-Nicaraguan filler/binder, making good use of some specially-fermented Jalapa ligero leaf in the cigar’s filler. Nicaraguan tobacco is known for its fiery and intense attributes, and Oliva Serie V sets out to let these qualities shine. To compliment the rich Nicaraguan interior, a high-priming Habano Sun-Grown leaf is used for the wrapper. This combination produces one of the most full-bodied smoking experiences from Oliva, showcasing a superior balance of strength and finesse. Flavors are often described as being smooth, yet rich, with notes of coffee, caramel, aged tobacco, and various cabinet spices.
Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra earned No.5 in Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of 2022.
Oliva Serie V 135th Anniversary Edicion Limitada achieved the No.6 spot in Cigar Snob’s Top 25 The Best Cigars of 2022.